Our team

Jan Molenaar
Tax consultant/tax lawyer

I joined Waterland Accountants in 2016. Before that, I was already engaged on a regular basis as an independent tax and financial advisor. I have come to know Waterland Accountants as a firm with committed colleagues. A young and dynamic firm that is well-versed in changing technologies and always puts the client's interests first. A team that works well together and supports each other. A pleasant environment to work in.

As a tax expert, I am responsible for all tax issues that may affect entrepreneurs. Alert to new developments and future plans of entrepreneurs. This is how I help clients achieve the best fiscal results. Besides my work, my greatest passion is indoor football. As a board member of ZVV Volendam and RKAV Volendam, I am partly responsible for youth indoor football in Volendam. In between, I play my own matches on Friday nights and train a youth team.

Toni Mayas
Accountant (AA)

Waterland Accountants and Advisors is a company where everyone is given room to develop and get the best out of themselves. A pleasant and collegial environment where people work well together. I am good at keeping appointments. I am honest and sincere. I can easily explain something that seems difficult to someone else and I get on well with people. Doing my bit for the growth and development of a company and the entrepreneur makes me feel good. This ensures that I enjoy going to work every day. I think accountancy is a wonderful and very varied profession.

Being able to work well together to achieve the goal is one of the things you learn with team sports. Basketball was my best learning experience in that area. The talents of all the players are known, everyone gets their own role on the court and the strategy has to be clear. Everyone gets on the ball and decisions have to be made quickly to score. Everything must flow to achieve a good result . Of course, many other aspects play a role to achieve your goal and the common goal but cooperation is the most important aspect for me because SOMETHING WORKS BETTER!

My motto is: You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

André Karregat
Accountant (AA)

I chose Waterland Accountants because it is a firm that values client interests. It employs fine colleagues who work hard, have common sense, and have both feet firmly planted in social life. Good contacts among themselves and short lines of communication with clients make it a pleasure to work with. I have been working at Waterland Accountants since 2010. Since I also used to work as a controller in the business world, my approach to clients is often one that looks to the future. Can the client make ends meet with his current course of business? And if not, what can we do to turn this around for the better?

When not at work, I can be found at the tennis club, among other places. Besides being treasurer, I occasionally hit a ball. All sports played with a ball have my attention. I therefore also give football training to the youth at RKAV Volendam, and in the summer I try to lower my handicap in golf, but that is much more difficult than it looks on television.

Jack Leeflang
Assistant Accountant

There is a nice informal atmosphere within Waterland Accountants where everyone gets along well. This atmosphere will also translate to the clients. We often talk about football at work and that's where one of my attributes comes in again. In the office, I carry out various tasks. From checking bookers to creating complex budgets, from bringing in clients to supervising colleagues.

Outside Waterland Accountants, I have several passions. My family comes first. I also play football myself and watch a lot of football. Finally, I use my smartphone a lot, on which I follow current affairs and play some games.

Jenny Toll
Assistant Accountant

In March 2015, I was asked to join this young, professional, driven team at Waterland Accountants & Adviseurs in Purmerend part-time for internal financial administration/office manager. The good working atmosphere, mentality and structure immediately appealed to me. My work is varied and challenging, so I go to work motivated every time. Besides my work, my passions are sports, eating with my family and friends, cooking together and going on holiday.

Manon Soederhuizen
Assistant Accountant

Here at Waterland Accountants there is a nice working atmosphere. All the colleagues are nice to each other, which is why I enjoy working here. I perform tasks such as accounting, tax returns and preparing annual accounts. Many of the employees are football fans. I myself play for S.C. Purmerland and football has been one of my hobbies for years. Hence my attribute the football!

Bryan Zaagsma
Accountant (AA)

In 2016, I started my graduate internship at Waterland Accountants. After successfully completing this, I was offered to join Waterland Accountants, an offer I gladly accepted. Because of the good atmosphere on the shop floor at Waterland Accountants, I enjoy going to the office every day. In addition, I think Waterland Accountants is the perfect place for me to further develop myself in the profession and eventually obtain my AA title. At Waterland Accountants, I am mainly involved in bookkeeping, compiling annual accounts and preparing personal income tax returns. This provides the necessary variety, which is great fun. Moreover, every client is different, so you keep learning!

In my spare time, I can be found on the football pitch twice a week and go for a run every now and then. Football is something I have been doing for quite a few years and will not stop doing anytime soon. I also enjoy watching a good film or series and going to a concert or festival. Gaming is something else I like to do in my spare time.

Bianca Tol
Secretarial administrative assistant

My name is Bianca and I work as a secretary/administrative assistant within the team of Waterland Accountants in Purmerend. I feel very much at home here, partly because of the varied work and the contact with both clients and colleagues. In my opinion, Waterland Accountants is a dynamic accountancy firm with a nice team of people, where the client is the main focus.

As for my leisure activities; I often go for walks, do pilates and fitness and have parties with friends every now and then. Besides, we have a very cosy family where we also like to go for coffee. Time permitting, I like to read, which really relaxes me. Regards, Bianca

Alex Ferwerda
Head of payroll

I have been working at Waterland Accountants since September 2018. What strikes me from day one is the good atmosphere between colleagues, which makes for a pleasant environment to work in.

With the experience gained over the years, I like to be a sparring partner for our clients and colleagues on payroll and other personnel issues.
Professionally, I follow the (digital) developments in this field to be an added value for our office and our clients.

I enjoy spending my free time with my family, friends and family. Sports-wise, I can regularly be found on the tennis court, in the gym or running outside.
One of the attributes in the picture are my skis. I grew up with an annual trip to the snow and that is one of my greatest passions. Enjoying being active outdoors while also having a good time.

The suitcase stands for wonderful holidays. Besides the occasional weekend away in the Netherlands, we regularly take a faraway trip to see some of the world and sample other cultures.

Anita Hage
Payroll clerk

What immediately struck me at Waterland Accountants and Advisors is the pleasant and convivial working atmosphere, where you get the chance to work on your personal development.

The work in payroll is very diverse. The laws and regulations are constantly changing and we have nice clients from many different sectors. It is a dynamic and multifaceted field and I enjoy doing the work.
I love to travel, especially to the United States. Months in advance, I am busy planning the route for the round trip. Often, I then also visit my family who live there.

Besides travelling, I really enjoy spending time with my parrot and going on occasional outings with it. For example, we go to the beach or we drive to Schiphol Airport to spot planes.

Ruben Bond
Assistant Accountant

I joined Waterland Accountants & Advisors B.V. in November 2019. The opportunities to work on personal development and the mutual atmosphere among colleagues makes working easy.

I am currently working as a payroll administrator/assistant accountant, mainly processing (salary) accounts and preparing various tax returns. This double job is varied, interesting and, in combination with studying HBO SPD Business Administration (Accountancy specialisation), very good for my personal development.

In my spare time, I like to be sporty. I can regularly be found cycling, running or in the gym. Recently, I stopped playing football due to various injuries, but I still like to follow it closely.

Furthermore, I love to travel, from faraway trips to booking last-minute holidays. A sun in the sky, enjoying a special beer, enjoy!

Patrick Bond
Assistant Accountant

Waterland Accountants appealed to me because of the mix of young and old, experience and fresh insights. A pleasant and collegial working environment, space to be allowed and able to develop yourself, not too formal, short lines of communication with each other and with the client, which means that the client can always be helped as quickly and correctly as possible. My name is Patrick Bond, I have been in the business full time since 2010 and I joined Waterland Accountants in March 2020 and hope to remain so for quite some time.

I am a studious and committed person who brings a high sense of responsibility and honesty to my work ethic. I see it as my job to handle everything as correctly as possible and satisfy the client as soon as possible. My work mainly consists of processing administrations, compiling annual accounts & preparing personal income tax returns.

My passion outside Waterland Accountants lies in sports, music and lots of food cooking. I practice different sports: strength training, running, cycling, football, snowboarding so I don't get dense from my deliciously made food. I also love going to festivals and concerts, discovering new music and enjoying the atmosphere.

Dick Roos
Assistant Accountant

I joined Waterland Accountants in June 2020. It immediately felt like a warm bath. Nice and driven people work here in a professional setting, yet in an informal atmosphere. Clients can come here for all their financial and tax matters. They also have in-house payroll specialists. So everything under one roof.

I mainly deal with management reports, compiling annual accounts and tax returns. I am also (have been) treasurer of a basketball club and a business association.

I have a number of passions, including music, movies, football (passive), road cycling and travelling. I got the passion for travelling through my wife who is an independent travel consultant. Our favourite country is South Africa where we have been several times. Especially the safaris are very impressive. And no, then the bike doesn't come along.

Tom Schokker
Assistant Accountant

Since successfully completing my internship at Waterland Accountants in June 2019, I have enjoyed working here. My duties range from booking administrations, to providing tax returns and compiling annual accounts. There is a nice atmosphere within Waterland Accountants. I feel very much at home here. This is partly due to the young and particularly sporty team.

Outside of work, I am focusing on studying Accountancy. In my spare time, I spend many hours playing football and the occasional round of cycling.

Nick Runderkamp
Assistant Accountant

My name is Nick Runderkamp and I live in Volendam with my girlfriend.

I have been working at Waterland Accountants since 25 September 2020. After the job interview at Waterland Accountants, my feeling was immediately right.

There is a calm, friendly and open atmosphere and I think that is one of the most important things in a company. I can describe myself as disciplined and driven to manage my work well, and make it as clear as possible to both my colleagues and the customer.

Outside of work, my biggest hobby is football. After a five-year professional career with FC Volendam, I switched to the amateurs of Quick Boys in Katwijk aan Zee in the summer of 2020.
There I am training 3 nights and on Saturday we play a match. So I actually have two more careers I'm busy with.

Besides football, I like to play tennis and I prefer to spend the weekends with my girlfriend or friends.

Madelon Antenbrink
Assistant Accountant

I had known Waterland Accountants for several years as a firm with a personal, down-to-earth and practical approach. When I was ready for the next step in my career, we decided to join forces after a very pleasant conversation.

I have extensive knowledge of various software packages and their implementation. Guiding (future) users and writing tailor-made manuals for the various user groups completes the implementation.

I get great satisfaction from preparing annual accounts as well as from understanding and optimising procedures. I enjoy maintaining good and regular contact with clients and knowing what is going on.

Reading is my biggest hobby and mainly English-language thrillers although I also read other genres. I like to maintain that I am not a collector but by now I have a quantity of books that could be the envy of a (small) library. I also like to go abroad with my family for a city trip or to a warm beach for snorkelling.

Kees Jonk
Assistant Accountant

In April 2021, I was approached to join the team at Waterland Accountants. Those conversations quickly showed a lot of (mutual) trust and that they had taken the trouble to learn about my background, skills and capabilities. I therefore complied with the feeling of ending up in this warm bath. Within Waterland Accountants, I deal with both more legal matters (with my background as a former inspector and finance manager within a relatively larger company) and purely administrative activities such as preparing annual accounts and tax returns. Especially the varied combination of both contact with clients on location and with colleagues on the shop floor is an added value for me in this work.

Outside work, I am mainly active in sports (tennis, skiing, refereeing with the youth of RKAV Volendam and cycling/walking with my wife in the dunes or in the Edam/Volendam/Purmerend area) and am very much attached to a regular weekly card evening with friends where usually several current world problems are solved before the second drink.

Linda Veerman
Assistant Accountant

Back from the road. In January 2009, I once started as an intern at Waterland Accountants. I was very enthusiastic right then, because I was allowed to take care of everything from A to Z for clients under my supervision. As a result, the work is varied and challenging. In addition, my employer is a great advocate of work-based learning, which I find a big plus, because you can immediately apply the knowledge you gain during the study in practice. During that time, I completed the Financial Administration Professional Training Course - SPD and Register Tax Consultant. From 2019 to mid-2022, I worked for another company and then Waterland Accountants came my way again and now I am back working as an Assistant Accountant. In the time I have been away, a lot of young blood has joined which provides energy and enthusiasm. It is a close-knit group, young and old, and everyone gets along well. There is a pleasant and positive atmosphere which makes every day a pleasure to work with.

When I am not working, I am at home enjoying my 2 amazing sons and my boyfriend. I also do yoga and try to get some exercise, which varies from gym, dancing or hiking.

Furthermore, I love going out for a day, shopping or going for a nice bike ride/hike and eating out.

Roy Keijzer
Assistant Accountant

My name is Roy Keijzer and I have been working at Waterland Accountants since January 2023. During the first introductory meetings, the pleasant working atmosphere was immediately apparent. Besides the pleasant working atmosphere and the great colleagues, I was also given the opportunity to study alongside work to further develop myself in the field of accountancy. This is why I chose Waterland Accountants.

I am currently working as an assistant accountant and my work consists of taking care of administration, compiling annual accounts and preparing tax returns. This diversity means I never have to be bored.

In my spare time, I prefer sports. I regularly play a game of padel, tennis or golf and can be found in the gym once a week. I also enjoy watching football at the weekend. In addition, when the weather is nice, I like to go out with my wife for a nice bike ride somewhere.

Kelly Bakker
Payroll clerk

From my job interview, I immediately had a good feeling about Waterland Accountants. I still experience the very sociable and at the same time professional atmosphere during the interview every day at the office. There are many opportunities to keep developing yourself and to learn from each other. I work in the salary administration department, which I am currently also studying for. The work itself is varied, but all the laws and regulations are also constantly changing, which makes our work very challenging.

In my free time, I like to spend time with my family and friends, going to the forest or the beach or going to a festival/party. I also try to exercise enough besides office work, which I do by boxing and taking bootcam classes. The furry man in the picture is my little big buddy who accompanies me almost everywhere he is allowed.

Sanne Rienks
Assistant Accountant

I joined Waterland Accountants & Advisors in 2023 after obtaining my Bachelor of Business Administration. I chose to work at Waterland because of the friendly atmosphere in the office and the opportunities for self-development and advancement within the company. My accuracy and eye for detail come in handy in my work as a trainee assistant accountant. Besides working at Waterland, I enjoy travelling to explore different countries and cultures. I can also regularly be found on the terrace having a drink with friends.

Diane Bronkhorst
Assistant Accountant

At Waterland Accountants, I was looking for the challenge I was missing in my job. In January 2024, I started working as an assistant accountant. I deal with processing the administration, preparing annual accounts and filing tax returns.

During my application, Waterland Accountants felt like a warm bath. I had a really nice feeling right away and look forward to supporting the team and specialising further in the future.

Besides Waterland Accountants, I enjoy my family, family and friends and love travelling. I can also regularly be found at the gym.