
Use of shared cars by employees
7 March 2025Seven examples from Tax Office on tax rules when employees use shared cars....

Reduced rate on deferred delivery of property?
7 March 2025Does the reduced rate of transfer tax apply if you do not move into the purchased property until after two years?...

Compensation transitional allowance only for small employers
7 March 2025Compensation scheme for a transitional allowance on termination of employment contract after long-term disability restricted to small employers....

Uber driver entrepreneur or employee?
7 March 2025In assessing whether an employment contract exists, there is no order of precedence between the circumstances to be considered, including any 'entrepreneurship' on the part of the worker....

Bank, shop or home?
21 February 2025You are buying an existing retail property to move into; 2% or 10.4% transfer tax?....

Tax authorities correct DGA salary: justified?
21 February 2025What is the customary wage if the BV runs badly?....

What is the state of assets of Dutch family foundations?
21 February 2025Are family foundations used for tax avoidance or do they primarily serve the social interest?...

How do company visits looking at labour relations go?
21 February 2025How does an investigation by the Inland Revenue into possible false self-employment within your company as a client go?...

Compensation for overtime part of salary?
7 February 2025Is compensation for all overtime included in salary?....

Dividend joint BV taxed as salary
7 February 2025Can dividends from the BV be classified as wages?...

Car addition rates 2025
7 February 2025By 2025, we will see eight addition rates for company cars. What is the ....

Cabinet pushes through actual return box 3 bill
7 February 2025Cabinet pushes through box 3 bill despite criticism from Council of State. Why ....

No source of income at low profit?
24 January 2025Undespite some slightly positive annual profits, the Inland Revenue states that an independent musician has no source of income....

Phantom self-employed at Benefits Service remain
24 January 2025The Benefits Agency continues to hire bogus self-employed workers as usual. Fines and surcharges are paid from taxpayers' money....

Vagueness over crypto assets leads to hefty penalty payment
24 January 2025Private individual receives heavy penalty payment to give Tax Authority insight into his crypto wealth....

Submit disbursements to third parties by 1 February 2025
24 January 2025In 2024, did you pay amounts to someone who does not work for you as an entrepreneur and is not in (fictitious) employment with you?...

Outside work leads to summary dismissal
10 January 2025A team leader is summarily dismissed for concealing ancillary work. Justified ....

Waiver by ex-spouse constitutes gift
10 January 2025In divorce settlement, a wife waives a claim against her husband. Is this a taxable gift?...

Guidance by job coach possible for more employees
10 January 2025A job coach has been available to more workers with illnesses and disabilities since 1 January....

Transitional VAT regime for accommodation, culture, sports and media
10 January 2025There is a transitional arrangement for VAT increases starting 1 January 2026....

Actual return box 3 law postponed
27 December 2024The switch to a new Box 3 system will be delayed until 1 January 2028. How will the government maintain tax revenues?...

Labour relations enforcement: soft landing
27 December 2024The Inland Revenue will resume full enforcement on labour relations in 2025. But with a soft landing. What is that ....

Reporting requirement for online platforms over 2024
27 December 2024Small online platforms must also report to the Tax Office for 2024 by 31 January 2025. How ....

Second home in box 3: calculation of increase in value
27 December 2024Supreme Court provides comprehensive guidance on calculating actual return in Box 3 on a second home....

Breach of confidentiality clause leads to dismissal
13 December 2024Instant dismissal after breach of confidentiality clause justified?...

Employer stops paying salary
13 December 2024Employer wrongly stops paying salary departing employee. What is the consequence....

Moving expenses deduction: is the move business?
13 December 2024Not every move by an entrepreneur or result generator leads to (flat-rate) deduction of moving expenses....

Box 3 bill to be shaken up
13 December 2024According to the Council of State, the box 3 bill needs to go back to the drawing board. What is going on ....

Immediately after settlement agreement opens own restaurant
29 November 2024Ex-employee opens own restaurant week after signing settlement agreement. Should employer still pay the compensation?...

Application for the Promotion of Research and Development Act 2025
29 November 2024You can now make your application for the Promotion of Research and Development Act 2025. What will change from 2024?...

Pregnancy discrimination temporary contract
29 November 2024Employer does not renew third temporary contract. Good law or pregnancy discrimination?...

New childcare funding system
29 November 2024A new funding system for childcare is coming. What are the plans ....

Cost examination in the case of a fixed cost allowance
15 November 2024Why should you do an expense survey on a fixed expense allowance for your employees?...

Changes to small business scheme and introduction of EU KOR
15 November 2024From 1 January 2025, the small business scheme will change. There will also be a small business scheme for the EU....

New positions charging company car
15 November 2024Inland Revenue has changed recent views on charge reimbursement....

Pension and removal of enforcement moratorium on self-employment
15 November 2024Pension accrual and retroactive contribution collection in false self-employment: an often overlooked problem....

VAT changes from 1 January 2025
1 November 2024What are the main changes to VAT from 1 January 2025?...

Notice of end of contract in employment contract no longer works
1 November 2024An end-of-contract notice in the employment contract itself does not always work....

Crypto Assets Data Exchange Act
1 November 2024Crypto platforms must start sharing information about users with Tax Authorities by 2026....

Eating out is business deductible
1 November 2024Is eating out on location for an entrepreneur business or private?...

Does overtime pay count towards holiday pay?
18 October 2024Does compensation for non-mandatory but structural overtime count towards the calculation of holiday pay?...

Importance of the register of shareholders
18 October 2024The shareholder register is of great importance. There is a bill for a digital central register of shareholders....

Statutory minimum wage as of 1 January 2025
18 October 2024What will the minimum wage be in January 2025?...

Plot of land: business or private?
18 October 2024Is loss on failed one-off project development deductible?...

Cost of study and fitness children deductible?
4 October 2024Businesswoman deducts paid study and fitness expenses of children, who are employed by her. Rightly?...

Cabinet fiscal strategic agenda
4 October 2024What are the three fiscal priorities for this cabinet term?...

Bottlenecks of employee financial participation
4 October 2024What bottlenecks does the government recognise around employee financial participation and what is the action plan?...

KVK shields phone numbers
4 October 2024KVK shields telephone numbers of entrepreneurs....

Dismissal for taking liver sausages
20 September 2024Is taking liver sausages theft and is it grounds for summary storage?....

Tackling enforcement ZZP-ers
20 September 2024The end of the model agreement for working with self-employed workers is in sight....

Tax outlines Budget Day: citizens
20 September 2024Budget Day 2024: what new plans does the government have for citizens?...

Tax outlines Budget Day: entrepreneurs
20 September 2024Budget Day 2024: what new plans does the cabinet have for entrepreneurs?...

Buy property at friends price: starter exemption?
6 September 2024Couple buys a house from uncle's acquaintance for €395,000. For financing purposes, the house is valued at € 430,000. The limit for the starter's exemption transfer tax is €400,000....